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Want to try a new medium but don't know what to make?
Try our Maker Challenge!
We'll tell you the project, you get to choose materials, style, and size.
Show off your creations to win prizes!
Summertime outside:
share your
backyard additions
When we have the little moments to spend some time outside,
we build whats needed to make them comfortable, and enjoyable.
Whether you're looking at your backyard and thinking
a few games would be a nice addition,
or a comfortable lounge area would be perfect,
or even, heck! Lets redo the whole deck and add some pizzazz-
we support your making your oasis right at home.
What you need:
What you Get:
an idea for what you would like to make
materials: new, up-cycled, repurposed, etc.
And then, all you need to do is
make, make, make!
your creation gets its own shout out on our platforms
inspiration- so much inspiration- to give and to get from the makers involved in the challenge and beyond
Be entered into a special raffle to
win an Unlimited Month Membership
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